On the Sunday 29th September 2024, members of the Wine Trade Sports Club and Foundation will walk around London in memory of Michael Hasslacher, who founded the charity over 50 years ago. The 10-mile walk will follow parts of the original route from the first fundraising walk in 1971, ending at The Drinks Trust offices near London Bridge, where they will coordinate with participants of The Harvest Tour.


A club welcoming members of the drinks trade past and present

Enjoy sports

Enjoy social activities

Raise money

Expand your network

A club welcoming members of the drinks trade past and present • Enjoy sports • Enjoy social activities • Raise money • Expand your network


  • Cricket, Golf, Squash and Tennis.

    We are always keen to add other sporting events to the fixture list which in the past have included 5-a-side football, sailing, cycling, clay pigeon shooting and much more.

  • Joining the WTSC provides the perfect opportunity to play sport whilst socialising and networking with other club members within the trade.

    We also provide lots of wine…

Activities & Events

  • Annual Pub Quiz Night, The Wine Trade Sports Club Foundation Walk and the AGM. New events are added all the time

  • Our activities & events are welcome to members (friends and family too!) in aid of raising money on behalf of our official charity the WTSC Foundation.


  • The WTSC is always recruiting new members. It’s simple to join; all you need to do is complete the membership form

  • Annual direct debit fee of just £20 or a life membership is offered at £220.

    For more information, visit the membership page.

About the foundation.

In 1969, and again in 1970, the Wine Trade Sports Club (WTSC) organised a Charity Walk, with the dual purpose of gathering its members together and raising funds for a chosen Charity. Then, on the 20th April 1971 the WTSC organised its first ever 'Wine Trade' Charity Walk when, over 12 miles around the City of London, during which a glass of wine was taken at each check point, £800 was raised. Much of this sum was used by the Vintry Homes to purchase a large screen TV for its residents, an almost unheard of luxury in those days. Following this relative success, the WTSC committee recognised the future potential for combining enjoyable events, with fund raising to support charitable works within the trade. 

Meet the Committee.

Let’s Get Social!